Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The music in Mass Effect 2 - and the sound effects really contributed to the game in a way not often seen. It's been a long time since the music and sound effects have caused me to quite literally jump out of my seat the first time only to land in a sprawl on the floor ... and watch my character get torn to shreds by the swarms of evil aliens ... but that's beside the point. On some levels you can get in game news broadcasts about things related to you or your mission. On other levels you get music that is pure creepiness. Imagine walking down a dimly lit "dead" alien ship that is lovecratian in it's history only for thing to turn out to still alive and not very happy. I died a lot during the first run through of that mission. Overall the music is one of the best scores I've heard up there with Halo 2 and Eternal Darkness.

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