Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brief overview of Storyline (Contains Spoilers)

The storyline for the Mass Effect series is utterly mind blowing. At first it sounds like a mixing pot of bad science fiction cliches - hateful aliens, ancient aliens trying to tell us something, enslaved aliens, aliens trying to commit genocide. Just a bad mix of cliches all around. Yet, Bioware pulls it off. It's that simple. Bioware took all these cliches and made one of the best games ever out of them.

The game follows the story of Commander Shepard who's background is fairly customizable during character creation. Basically you play as Commander Shepard - you become the first human galaxy wide agent for the basically specieist alien council. Your purpose is to figure out why a bunch of alien built robots are back and attacking planets. You go around and build your team and as you do so you may complete numerous side quests most of which have some little background details on the universe you are playing in. Eventually you discover that the alien robots are working for some other older, nastier alien robots that are hellbent on wiping out life in the known universe ... again. Turns out these aliens have been doing on a cycle for eons and the alien artifacts of the ancient aliens were all about transmitting the data of what the hell happened to them as sort of a warning. Eventually you fight this rogue agent you've been chasing - who happened to be controlling the first group of evil alien built robots and in turn was being controlled by his flag ship which happened to be a member of the ancient genocidal alien race.

In Mass Effect 2, the story takes a couple of fun twists. First, you end up working for a human blackops group you ran into a few times in the first one called Cerebus - said group is all about Human Superiority and doing what it takes to ensure humans come out on top. Cerebus is the only ones to believe you about the evil genocidal aliens so they help you out. Then it progresses like the first game - assemble a team - do some quests - eventually do the main story line ... though this game will force you to do some certain main story missions at x-times in gameplay whether you want to or not. Also you have to pay attention to keep upgrading your ship since the last part of the main story involves attacking the other group of aliens the evil genocidal aliens enslaved ... who happen to be the ancient aliens from the first game who were trying to warn the current species of the galaxy ... can you say plot twist? Also, if you don't upgrade your ship and your party memebers weapons ... people start dying during the final mission. It can be a bit of a problem to suddenly have your team knocked down to like 4 people at the end of the final mission ... or for your character to die at the end ... then you don't get him in Mass Effect 3.

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